Growing up Hart

I'm a new used mommy!! I have a fabulous family which consists of myself, my husband, our precious little girl and our little baby boy! We also have 2 dogs, 2 crazy cats and a pond full of Koi, Goldfish and occasional vistors like frogs and salamanders. We welcome them all to our family. The absolute most important part of our little family is our very own little "Princess Shannon and Prince Tyler". They are... "Growing up Hart".


Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve with Shane's dad's side of the fam! When we showed up Shannon was in full X-mas attire, but for dinner I put her in plain clothes so she could get messy. I should have brought some prettier comfy clothes to put her in after dinner because these were just not very cute for pics. Oh well, watcha gonna do? Nothin, that's what. This really cool high-chair attaches to the chair at the dinner table. It was bought by Shannon's G-grandpa Dwain so she didn't have to sit in our laps. He's so sweet! He love's him some Shannon I tell you!

She was carrying around other peoples gifts instead of her own, and having so much fun doing it.
I never got a clear shot of this ribbon on her head from the front, but try to imagine she looked like a pirate. Aarrg!


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