Growing up Hart

I'm a new used mommy!! I have a fabulous family which consists of myself, my husband, our precious little girl and our little baby boy! We also have 2 dogs, 2 crazy cats and a pond full of Koi, Goldfish and occasional vistors like frogs and salamanders. We welcome them all to our family. The absolute most important part of our little family is our very own little "Princess Shannon and Prince Tyler". They are... "Growing up Hart".


I do it!

So Shannon has recently been trying to eat all by herself. So we tried quite a few things:
some messy, some not so messy.
This is a bowl of chicken and vegetable baby food with some chunks of meat and cheese added. Of course, she picked out all of the chunks first.
This started as a plain cheese burger, and as you can see she didn't want daddy anywhere near it. He was just trying to give her a kiss goodbye!


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