Growing up Hart

I'm a new used mommy!! I have a fabulous family which consists of myself, my husband, our precious little girl and our little baby boy! We also have 2 dogs, 2 crazy cats and a pond full of Koi, Goldfish and occasional vistors like frogs and salamanders. We welcome them all to our family. The absolute most important part of our little family is our very own little "Princess Shannon and Prince Tyler". They are... "Growing up Hart".



After we went to my cousins Baby Shower, we were going to the beach and Shannon was assigned the duty of drawing mommy a picture while she waited.  When she was done and needed another paper, I looked at this one and WOW!!  She's a little Picasso!  Of course, I saved it and brought it home to put in her scrapbook for later.  Yeah, that's right, I to have a project that never gets done... but, somehow the items to put in it keep growing out of control!  Can't imagine why I don't have much time.  I'm actually taking precious time right now to update a little on my blog... for those of you who gently reminding me that I still look preggers!  On my blog that is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It must run in the family!!! On the Smith side, that is!

1/21/2009 2:00 PM  

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