She's a maniac, ma-niac, on the floor. And she's wearin socks I've never seen before! Okay, so Shane's dad is packing up his stuff and getting ready to move out and sell his house. His boys both are trying to get all of there stuff out of his house. Shane brought home these (cheesy - me thinks) Arguile socks that he, yes he fully intends to wear! Can I just say HA! I don't think so, okay maybe, depends on wear he thinks he's going in them. I said "maybe you could wear them golfing." They are not really that cheesy, but still they are very "oldschool". Shannon absolutely loves them, she played with them for days! Literally, through all of the half eaten Cheerios, Baby Food spit, Formula and Juice spills. Oh Yeah, that's right, they needed a severe washing when she got through with them.
Don't they make the cutest little leg warmers?
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, heather!!!
Your kid is cute:) SO! You should come to Portland sometime! Come visit us up here! It would be swell!
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