Growing up Hart

I'm a new used mommy!! I have a fabulous family which consists of myself, my husband, our precious little girl and our little baby boy! We also have 2 dogs, 2 crazy cats and a pond full of Koi, Goldfish and occasional vistors like frogs and salamanders. We welcome them all to our family. The absolute most important part of our little family is our very own little "Princess Shannon and Prince Tyler". They are... "Growing up Hart".


This is how several hours of my days are right now, Shannon plays for long periods in our gated back porch area. She likes to feed the fish in the pond and play in her Tortoise Sandbox. Which she looks way too big for, but can't get enough of.

More pics of Easter time, and a very tired little one the next morning, she couldn't get up for the better part of the day.

It's been to long!

So we have finally uploaded some photos on our computer and i have a few minutes of spare time (what's that you might ask, well I'm not sure, but it seems that the world slows for a few minutes a day where there doesn't seem to be a crisis going on in the mind of a 2 1/2 year old). So none of these pictures are going to be in any kind of order, but I'll just caption them as I get them up here.
This is what my young'n would look like if she chose to dress herself everyday.

Here is our little drummer girl taking after her daddy! she loves her "boom, boom drums!"

Ahh! One the few belly pics we have actually taken since I've been pregers. I'm about 7 months in this shot. I think this is from Easter Day.

Here is Shannon searching for eggs at Grandma Carol and Grandpa Vic's house. She did really well for herself considering the other more experienced kids had already cleaned the yard clean by the time she took 2 steps.

Ok, so this is not such a great pose, but I thought it was funny considering that I have to squat with my belly hanging down between my legs or I can't squat at all. You'd think a man took this shot because of the fantastic cleavage shot, but no, twas a las who did it!